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mumble jumble bout video game magazines

Posted by KID182 - September 16th, 2024

dude i gotta b the guy 2 talk abt it cuz what the fuck happened w/ game review magazines & magazine design in general???? like yea magazines still xist butt obbbviously they aint as popular as they were b4 duh nobodys reading magazines no more we got the world wide interwebs butt maaan its srsly tragic knowing that magazine graphic design a dying/dead art....... i only rlly realized how much i admire magazine design from the 90s or 2000s recently more specifically game review magazines n its srsly so badass man they rlly nailed the art of catching attention cuz im telling u man the layout of the cover & every page inside is so god damn eye catching its so badass the way magazines wld b organized the colors they used everything abt it intrigues me so bad n the thing is im only 15 so i wasnt even around or @ least not rlly conscious when magazines [i think] were in their prime cuz i fo sho never ever got 2 xperience how it feels getting ur monthly gamepro subscription delivered 2 ur mailbox after w8ing so long & being so xcited 4 whatever content ur gonna read abt this time man i totally missed out on that whole deal...... butt @ least i got the internet @ my fingertips so even if i wasnt there in the moment theres still hella archives of there websites ontop of websites of magazine prints that i can still check out & admire yrs after anybodys given a fuck abt magazines like that & u bet ur ass im all over them man check out this site i found SPECIFICALLY archiving every time a half-life [or any valve game in general] was mentioned in any game design magazine ever & i mean it dawg these mofos actually went thru n documented every damn time the title half-life was even UTTERED in a page of any game review magazine sum categories on here only feature a single page in sum obscure ass motherfucking magazine subscription line from australia its actually crazy u shlda seen how i started flipping patties when i uncovered this goldmine of geeking out over this damn website that was dedicated 2 preserving magazine pages of my favorite game[s] in the whole wide world dude there is no chance in hell this site wasnt made 2 target me in specific i was doing frontflips & backflips simultaneously

check it out: https://hl-inside.me/magazines/

can u believe ur eyes ohh maaaan this is so radiu_1270111_21115507.webp

jst check out the COVER ART 1st of all man


idek i cld b full of shit butt i had never ever seen that art anywhere else besides that magazine it cld b official art or its fan art i got zero clue butt if it actually is official art n it actually hasnt been used anywhere else BESIDES the magazine thats 2 fucking sick man MAGAZINE EXCLUSIVE GAME ILLUSTRATIONS ANOTHER DYING ART god damn it duuude


n dude jst check out the way these pages look ur fucking kidding me the way its organized is so goddamn eyecatching & so well done it actually makes me WANNA read it & I DID!!!!!


this has gotta b 1 of my fav issues JULY 2001 #154 1st up cuz of the cover itself - i actually seen the cover sumwhere else on the interwebs n i was alrdy drawn 2 it cuz of the design & this was wayyyyy b4 i actually got heavy in2 magazine design & also cuz fun fact bout me sonic the hedgehog is ANOTHER 1 of my fav franchises ever n i thought the cover graphic looked BITCHIN so i had it saved on my pc files 4 a while thats until i found out bout this site n then i discovered HOOHOHOHHOOOOOLY FUUUUCK not only does it hit u w/ a sonic adventure 2 feature on the cover butt its also got 10 PAGES of half life blue shift & counter strike content halle-fuckin-lujah i jumped w joy when i came across all this that issue in specific is srsly so kick ass jst look @ it man thats BADASS

i think its so badass that i actually went ahead n ordered it from ebay LMFAO


1st of all god motherfucking DAMN did it wow me how cheap it was cuz u wld think since its a vintage y2k retro item it wld have a crazy collectors price rite??? well apparently the fuck not cuz this was like 10 bux + shipping i was fully ready 2 b met w/ a fat $59.99 @ THE LEAST butt naw man woooow..... that jst goes 2 show how rlly unappreciated magazines r dont it??? cuz shit u not gonna find prices like that if ur lookin 4 vinyls everybody & they mama has hopped on that trend im sure them prices r crazy [idk i wldnt kno cuz im not lame i dont fuck w/ vinyls in the slightest if u asked me cds over vinyls 10000% man not only is it jst more convenient butt cds r 2wice as BADASS since sum cds will come w/ sum kick ass art on the cd itself N I RARELY SEE THEM DOING THAT WIT VINYLS again i cld b wrong dunno dont care butt overall cds r jst way more practical n look way more sick as a collection when its all chunky & stacked instead of them weak ass lookin vinyl collections idk sumthing abt them is so underwhelming they r so tall butt not thick enough its jst kinda gay looking u feel me ANYWAY BACK ON THE TOPIC OF MAGAZINES i can spit my shit abt vinyl collectors sum other time....] SO YEA this was actually the 1st ever magazine i bought n lemme tell u how kick ass it is 2 actually own 1 of these & b able 2 flip thru the pages 1 by 1 & risk a paper cut every time MAN this is so sweet what a sick way 2 get ur info on the latest games even if it did take a month til the nxt issue & if it is kinda a slow process i think the effort that went in2 each magazine makes it all worth it


check out how sick these sa2 pages look lined up & mirrored like that absolutely ill page design man not a single paragraph yet i cant quit staring @ these pages cuz of the looks alone


& in case 4 sum reason u were questioning the authenticity of this magazine & if it rlly dated back 2 the yr 2001 then feast cho eyes on this tony hawks pro skater 2 promo cuz what the FUCK is more 2000s than that???


LMAOOO check that out its still got untorn gamepro subscription coupons


anotha sonic adventure 2 page gotta say they killed it on the graphics again tho 4 sum reason i like the 1st black/white pages better than this 1 dunno y since i always prefer the more colorful in-yo-face page designs


HAHAHAA they fucked up on resident evils cover art idek if it slipped thru production revising or if they genuinely didnt have any box art available



heres the actual half life blue shift & counter strike pages again so diabolically sick looking aw dude its so dope


& peep the rayman advance promo on da back side TIGHT


so after i bought my 1st magazine i realize how much cooler it is actually OWNING a COPY of the magazine than jst looking thru digitalized pages on archive.org [which i still do] & i also realized how god damn CHEAP this collection is gonna b - if i actually started collecting - so from there i decided im gonna start collecting these bitches n i better start NOW cuz god knows whats gonna start trending w/ all these "y2k" things getting popular dont even get me started on how fumed i get over that bullshit..... SO YEA from there i knew i was gonna order my 2nd game review magazine & i knew xactly which 1 i wanted: #196 JANUARY 2005!!!!! i been having my eye on this bad boy since da beginning son & im gonna b honest its all cuz of the cover art like come the fuck on tell me that DOESNT kick ass..... nowadays seeing ppl make drawing in the style of gta art is basic as a bitch butt this was 2005 jst think abt it that was prolly groundbreaking n honestly i still dig the hell outta it MY ONLY COMPLAINT THO is that they kinda missed the mark on the half life section of the cover art like come the fuck on u cld of come up w/ sumthing wayyy more awesome than jst the lamba symbol srsly what kept them from making a drawing of gordon??? i mean every other game on theres got the main protagonist drawn in the gta style butt naw they cheaped out on us & jst gave us a lambda symbol LAAAAAME!!!! shit i wld of even taken a drawing of a headcrab but whatevz...... it is what it is its still pretty damn rad

1st all b4 i get 2 actually flipping thru the pages i jst gotta say the magazine design style is DIFFERENT in these 2 issues i mean its SUBTLE butt u can see how it evolved in jst 5 yrs 1 xample how they went down a route of using white backgrounds instead of full black w/ contrasting colored txt like in 2001: iu_1270126_21115507.webpiu_1270127_21115507.webpiu_1270128_21115507.webp

like jst look @ this heres sum specific pages covering metroid gta san andreas & mgs3 snake eater n i gotta say im not rlly feeling the lighter color choices @ all...... i dunno if its jst me butt i dig the black backgrounds w/ contrasting colors in the text & pics i think it looks wayyy sicker & in general jst more attractive 2 the eye it makes me wanna LOOK @ it ya feel??? i guess sumtime between 2001-2005 gamepro dropped that style of darker edgier design since on the site the last time they used a full back background [@ least w/ issues that included half life] was in december 2001:iu_1270129_21115507.webp


anyway heres the actual page that features half life STILL PRETTY BADASS GRAPHICS butt i still 100% prefer the darker more contrasting style of pages & yea turns out this issues only got a single full page that actually talks abt half life butt i wasnt disappointed @ all t.b.h since i still went ahead & read every page n enjoyed checking out everything else that was in it

DAMN MOTHERFUCKERRRRRR MY ASS CAN TAAAALK yea id totes keep on going butt crazy enough i jst discovered that newgrounds got a limit on imgs u can add in a blog n i jst hit it + those r the only magazines i own.......SO FAR......... i gotta order my nxt issue soon n im thinking im gonna get either gamepro #124 january 1999 or gamepro #146 november 2000 idk who knows down the line ill prolly xpand my collection outside of jst gamepro magazines down the line since theres a whole INDUSTRY of other video game magazine brands + whatever magazine i buy ik i can find a ebay listing thats 10 bux or less so i dont rlly gotta worry abt it i actually got a collection wishlist [that im actively editing] in case any no-life out there actually took their time reading thru my whole geek rant n wanna check out the wishlist in question -> https://rentry.co/I-PLAY-COMPUTER [the only time ill ever EVER use rentry cuz that site is gay as heyll] ill go ahead n quit running my mouth god motherfuckin dayummmmm i can chit-chat on & on when im high....... oh yea i was baked this whole time LMAO!!!!!!!!! i went thru 2 whole hot pockets [4 meat 4 cheese] & like half of season 3 of workaholics while writing this



