whats goin' awn gang check me out booting up blender w/ zero experience zero practice diving in head 1st n tryna model 1 of my characters
i got not the slightest motherfuckin clue whut im doing butt im alrdy here so y not chit chat a 'lil bit
imma b real i been ITCHING 2 learn 3d modeling 4 so long now its prolly been yrs butt im a big fat lazy sacka sheit so i never got arnd on it + its kinda hard when im juggling a buncha other hobbies of mine did u guys kno i play drums among hella other thangs yea pretty fuckin dope aint it so yea ANYWAY the reason im starting now rite neow is cuz this last xmas ya boy got fackin SPOILED dude i secured sum mad loot can ya guess what the loot in question is..........
BOOM BIATCH CHECK IT OUTTTTT saint nicolas came the fuck thru n hooked me up w/ a brand sparklin' new bambu lab A1 mini 3d printer duuuuuuude this fuckin shreds u shlda seen me when i tore thru that gift wrapping i jumped w/ joy n started doing simultaneous frontflips & backflips
so heres where the issue comes up i didnt actually KNOW howda 3d model yet besides delete the default cube in blender n add another default cube in its place i didnt kno dick man n im thinking well shiet dude i rlly dont wanna b limited 2 jst printing whatever models i can rip from online n hope theres a model 4 whutever i wanna print that day no way man that sounds lame as helllllll so i thought SHIET MAN whats a better time 4 me 2 get off my ass n start learning how blender @ LEAST the damn basics of the program
I MEAN im sorta-kinda bullshitting i hadnt been ENTIRELY unaware of how blender works i tinkered widdit in the past mostly when modding games where i kinda jst rip the ingame models n morph them n ways i jst never rlly made my own creation from scratch sooooooo how else do u learn a new program besides a good ol fashioned "fuck around n find out" clicking buttons n seeing what clicks back (then realizing i prolly need a guide then watching hours of blender tutorials by JOEY CARLINO ON YOUTUBE.COM not sponsored butt if ur a amateur blenderian blender-head like me ur gonna wanna check out joey carlino over blender guru 100% bcuz that horrendous donut blender tutorial that everybody n they mama has watched can go suck a sack it wont get u nowhere)
n i thought shit well what shld i try modeling 1st scratches my chin rubs my temples puts my thinking-cap-3000 on BINGO! ill try modelin my new character/mascot/persona bozo da bomber since he shld b ez enough rite??? WRONG bcuz im a total noob @ this BUTT SHIT IM GETTIN FURTHER THAN I THOUGHT SO HALLELUJAH! ill prolly post sum renders of him 1nce i finally figure it all out n finish him up butt til nxt time peace out newgrounds dot com
+ bozos 3d model ref
You're super cool
thnx duuude